カテゴリー: 流体力学セミナー2009

  • 流体物理学ゼミナール2009/07/16


    流体力学セミナー 2009

    日時: 7月16日(木) 13:30 から 15:00

    場所: 京大 理 物理学教室 (理学研究科 5号館) 413号室

    講師: Stuart Coleman 氏 (Imperial Colledge, London)
    題目: Transport Properties of Saturated and Unsaturated
    Porous Fractal Materials

    概要: Inviscid, irrotational flow through fractal porous materials is
    studied. The key parameter is the variation of tortuosity with the
    filling fraction of fluid in the porous material. Altering the filling
    fraction provides a way of probing the effect of the fractal structure
    over all its length scales. The variation of tortuosity with filling
    fraction is found to follow a power law for deterministic and
    stochastic fractals in two and three dimensions. A phenomenological
    argument for this scaling of tortuosity with filling fraction phi is
    presented. Numerically calculated values of the exponents show good
    agreement with those predicted from the phenomenological argument for
    both the saturated and the unsaturated model.


    世話人:山田 道夫(京大数理研), 藤 定義(京大),松本 剛(京大理)
    アドバイザー:船越 満明(京大情報学)、水島 二郎(同志社大工)、
    余田 成男(京大理)
    連絡先:山田道夫 yamada@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp