流 体 力 学 セ ミ ナ ー
日時: 9月14日(金) 15:00 から 16:30
場所: 京大 理学研究科 物理学教室(理5号館) 401号室
講師: Uriel Frisch 氏
Laboratoire Lagrange, Observatoire and Universite Cote d’Azur
Nice, France
講演題目:The mathematical and numerical construction of
turbulent solutions for the 3D incompressible Euler
equation and its perspectives
Starting with Kolmogorov’s 1941 (K41) work, infinite Reynolds number
flow is known to have velocity increments over a small distance r that
vary roughly as the cubic root of r. Formally, such flow is expected to
satisfy Euler’s partial differential equation, but the flow being
not spatially differentiable, the equation is satisfied only in
a distributional sense. Since Leray’s 1934 work, such solutions are called
weak. Actually they were already present –very briefly– in
Lagrange’s 1760/1761 work on non-smooth solutions of the wave equation.
A major breakthrough has happened recently: mathematicians succeeded
in constructing rigourously weak solutions of the Euler equation
whose spatial regularity –measured by their Hölder continuity exponent–
is arbitrarily close to the value predicted by K41 (Isett 2018), Buckmaster et
al. 2017). Furthermore these solutions present the anomalous energy dissipation
investigated by Onsager in 1949 (Ons49). We shall highlight some aspects of
the derivation of these results which took about ten years and was started
originally by Camillo de Lellis and Laszlo Szekelyhidi and continued with a
number of collaborators. On the mathematical side the derivation makes
use of techniques developed by Nash (1954) for isometric embedding and by Gromov
(1986, 2017) for convex integration. Fortunately, many features of the
derivation have a significant fluid mechanical content. In particular
the successive introduction of finer and finer flow structures, called Mikados
by Daneri and Szekelyhidi (2017) because they are slender and jetlike.
The Mikados generate Reynolds stresses on larger scales; they can be chosen
to cancel discrepancies between approximate and exact solutions of the Euler
equation. A particular engaging aspect of the construction of weak solutions
is its flexibility. The Mikados can be chosen not only to reproduce K41/Ons49
selfsimilar turbulence, but also to synthesize a large class of
turbulent flows, possessing, for example, small-scale intermittency
and multifractal scaling. This huge playground must of course be explored
numerically for testing all manners of physical phenomena and theories, a
process being started in a collaboration between Leipzig, Nice, Kyoto and Rome.
(in collaboration with Laszlo Szekelyhidi,Department of Mathematics,
University of Leipzig, Germany and Takeshi Matsumoto,Department of
Physics, Kyoto University, Japan)
世話人:山田 道夫(京大数理研), 竹広 真一(京大数理研),
藤 定義(京大理),松本 剛(京大理)
連絡先:山田道夫 yamada_at_kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp