Farge さんの講義案内が流れましたので,まだ少し早いのですが,
同じ時期の Farge さんのセミナーを御案内いたします.
流体力学セミナー 2007
日 時 : 07年 12月 17 日 (月) 15:00〜16:30
場 所 : 京大数理研 009号室
講 師 : Marie Farge
(LMD-IPSL-CNRS,Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
題 目 :
Extraction of coherent structures using wavelets:
application to turbulent flows in fluids and plasmas
要旨 :
We will discuss the pertinence of the wavelet representation
to study turbulence. We will then present a wavelet-based
algorithm to extract coherent structures out of turbulent
flows. We will demonstrate it on a 1D turbulent signal
measured in the tokamak Tore Supra in Cadarache, then on 2D
and 3D turbulent flows computed by direct numerical
simulation. We will briefly present the CVS (Coherent Vortex
Simulation) method which computes the time evolution of
turbulent flows in an orthogonal wavelet basis, adapted at
each time step to resolve all nonlinear interactions
whatever their scale.
This work has been done in collaboration with Kai Schneider, CMI, Universite de
Provence, Marseille, and our PhD students.
You can download our publications from
世話人:山田 道夫(京大数理研),藤 定義(京大理)、
松本 剛(京大理)、
アドバイザー:船越 満明(京大情報学)、水島 二郎(同志社大工)、
余田 成男(京大理)
戻る [http://www.kyoryu.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/semi/semi2.html]